Chariot of the Sun
Look up. Yeah, you see that? It's called the Chariot of the Sun.


If you’re reading this right now, then I applaud you. It’s been nearly two years since I updated this awfully lonely blawg. If it’s not too much to ask, I’d like you to check out my new blog: Hopefully I’ll be updating that one more often.

So, this is goodbye, I guess, to this Chariot of the Sun. Looking back onto my past posts here, I find that I’ve matured. Everything here seems so trivial in comparison. Of course, I’ll keep it. A memory of the past, whenever I’m in the mood for reminiscing.

Even the sun can be taken for granted. See you at the other side of the horizon.


Winter Break has started for me, and I’m hoping this winter to try and finish my first draft of Sea Glass after putting it off for so long. But first things first… an event that hasn’t happened for 372 years will occur tomorrow or the day after, depending where you live. On the Winter Solstice, the longest and darkest night of the year, there will be a total lunar eclipse! (Heh, I’m an astronomy junkie) The last total lunar eclipse was in 2008, and as this is the last eclipse before the end of the year, be sure to enjoy this one 🙂


Yesterday I was called to the office, and the receptionist there gave me my USB Drive I had lost ages ago, and had completely forgotten about it. It’s funny how lost memories and belongings pop up at seemingly random times.

There was a lot of poetry on my USB Drive. More than I thought I had written, and some of them were a lot better than I thought. I know that nobody went through my poems because they were all dated back to around the time I lost it, but really, it was pretty astonishing to me. Like discovering an antique that everyone thought didn’t exist, when it was collecting dust all those years, in a place no one bothered to search through.

Funny how the cycle of being lost and found works. But I’m glad. 🙂



I was sorting through all my files the other day, and found a bunch of poems I had written last year, forgotten, apparently. Thought I’d share one.

Like petals of blood,
On my silk sleeve it lands now.
Such is human heart.

Like broken spirits,
Crying out for redemption.
Such is human’s pain.

Like cold bloodstained tears,
That break apart innocence.
Such is human fear.

Like the dying cry,
Of the king of misery.
Such is human fool.

Like a soft flower,
Given by a kindly face.
Such is human joy.

Like laughter of youth,
Pure innocence and passion,
Such is human love.

Like the sweetest song,
Sung by a choir of angels.
Such is human soul.


Week 4 is here, as well as Thanksgiving. Looking back in the month (and of course, the year), I have plenty to be thankful for. Pretty supportive family and friends as I lapsed into the Wrimo phase (though I’m sure they’re exchanging awkward glances behind my back 😉 ), good food (like pomegranates!), and just surviving yet another year. There I countless things I should and am thankful for, thank you very much.

As for Nanowrimo, however, it’s all [hopefully] downhill from here. 8k left to go for me, thanks to all the snow days. I’ve really caught up, and hope to finish by this weekend. Then, when I get back to school, I can finally focus on my not-so-great grades. 🙂

Week 4 of Nanowrimo is pretty similar to Week 1 for most. Week 1 is when ideas are new and fresh, and when you’re all excited about getting to be able to write for a month and all. Week 4 is when you fall in this furious momentum of writing, aching to prove everyone wrong, that you really can write a novel in a month. It truly is amazing what miracles can happen when you set your mind to it.

Well, happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, and happy Week 4 to all!

And enjoy the snow too..



Wow, some Nano-ers have already passed the 50k word mark! You guys are really a huge inspiration to me — just putting it out there. 🙂

Already it’s the 13th day into Nanowrimo! Two more days until the halfway point of November… It’s really surprising. The past two weeks really zoomed right by. Two weeks of writing, coffee-drinking, finger cramps…

The third week is always the worst, at least for me. It’s that point in the month where I get bored with noveling, suffer from a severe case of writer’s block — even though the 50k word mark is right around the corner. Of couse, Nanowrimo isn’t only about writing 50,000 words — that’s just a goal for one to achieve. It’s about making the time to sit down and writing the novel you’ve always wanted, the struggle to shove procrastination to the side, ridding yourself from the pesky inner editor for a month. It’s about letting your creativity and imagination collide and wreaking havoc all over your novel, letting it take over like a monster. In the end, it’s not about whether or not you’ve written 50k words (though you surely should be proud of yourself for doing so); it’s about unleashing your mind to the depths of noveling freely and imperfectly.

A synopsis of Lucky Red Envelopes (not sure if this will make sense:

It feels so much better
Letting things go
Until you realize
They might never come back
But you just can’t stop
Until everything you have
All those precious memories
Are gone
And you’re left with nothing
To cling to
A blank
And no
And no luck
Or good fortune
In those red envelopes
For you to keep

Basically, Lucky Red Envelopes is a Chinese-American girl struggling to find her own place in the world. Some people think she’s mental, others think she’s crazy, and one person even thinks she’s a goddess. (Heh, heh.) Then she discovers not everything in  her life is an illusion, and reveals the key to the sky.

o.O Wierd, right?



Finally, the very first day of NaNoWriMo has begun! A much awaited day for many aspiring and professional novelists, and now that it’s here, I almost can’t believe it. Emphasis on the almost.

This morning I had rolled out of bed way before my usual time, and had eagerly pulled out a journal to scribble out a few more ideas for my unwritten novel. But then I had actually sat down to think about it, and I ended up… well, blank. Not a single idea popped into my mind, and it was eerily strange. As if the novel had moved out unnoticed, taking its ideas away with it.

My nano novel was originally going to be another sci-fi/fantasy novel similar to my other unfinished one, Sea Glass, but now it has transformed into a more realistic setting, taking place in New York. I’m not entirely sure where it will take me, or even what it’s about. That’s alright, though I hate being left not knowing what’s going on. I’ll post a synopsis, excerpt, and all hopefully sometime soon. 🙂


I haven’t written for a while, and am in much need to make a couple of announcements.

NaNoWriMo Countdown: 3 days!! Go Seattle Ducks!

For those of you not knowing what Seattle Ducks are, well, I don’t know either. Perhaps a mascot of some kind? Though, shouldn’t we be the Seattle Huskies, because of the University of Washington being right there in the heart of Seattle, right?

Also, because Seattle tends to dominate the stats for donations and overall word counts, Renda Dodge, the one of the Municipal Liaisons of the Seattle Area, visited Atlanta over the summer (I think), and met some of the MLs there. They talked a bit, drank some coffee, and now we’re in a contest with the city of Atlanta to see which city will have the highest average word count.

Has anyone set their word count goal for this year yet, or planned out their plot? I was thinking about a sequel to my JulNo novel… but the problem is I haven’t even finished it. New plot: Wingin’ it! 🙂 If you have your plot down, great! One step ahead of me, for sure. 😀

One more day until Halloween! Though it’s supposed to be a bad one this year, ’cause in Washington there’s this tax on the good candy… so unfortunately we’ll end up with the generic stuff (though I suppose I’m too old to go trick-or-treating now, heh heh)

Went sea glass hunting again! 🙂 Some beach in Everett, I think it was called Picnic Point or something. I found a couple of green and white ones.. an alright catch, though could have been better. But the beach is really scenic–the water’s a really deep shade of blue (extremely cold), and next to the sand and rocks and all is the forested coastline.It makes me wish I brought my camera! Next time, though.

So, that’s all for today, I guess! Enjoy the last couple nights of rest, hopefully…y’all got a month of writing and coffee-drinking ahead of you! 🙂



First, I’d like to say… Nanowrimo is ah-rriving! 🙂 In *counts quickly* 32 days, if you include today. Meaning, 32 days of plotting, 32 days of sleep (hopefully), and 32 days of fidgeting quite uncomfortably, waiting anxiously for Nano to begin.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, Nano is short for National Novel Writing Month (though, in reality, anyone in the world can join), where you aim to write to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Really, it’s not as hard as it sounds. 😀

Now that I’ve mentioned writing… I suppose I should be working on the awaiting, unfinished novels that are clamoring for my attention. Unfortunately, I’m suffering from a bad case of writer’s block. D: Hopefully it will go away soon, or at least before Nano begins.

One month to go! Let’s do this!


Hmm… so what have I been up to these few weeks?

Let’s see, school, school, school……


(Y’know, homework and lunch detentions and homework and grumpy math teachers and homework… Well, you get the drift. 🙂 )

Anyways…. anything other than that?

Of course. The fateful and terrible day of 9/11. Definitely couldn’t forget that.

Is 9/11 the reason why we are at war? The real reason?

“Of course,” many may say.

But why did the terrorists decide to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Their hatred for America? What caused that hatred? Are the 9/11 attacks caused by revenge for something we might or might not have done? And one of the reasons why we are at war with them is because of the 9/11 attacks? Will they strike back for just being at war with them?

9/11 brings many questions to mind.

And then it hits, the ultimate question.

When will it all end?

Will generation after generation be fighting numerous wars because of this? How many people will die?

So many people have died because of this, when they had no choice. Innocent human beings!

What if it just started as a tiny mistake, and one thing just led to another, and another, and another?


What if, what if, what if. I could go on all day.

But, thank you. Thank you to all 3000 people, to everyone who sacrificed their lives for this country, and those who are fighting the raging war as I type.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I can’t say it enough.

Thank you.